Adjutant Field Inspection Application

Modified on Wed, 13 Mar 2013 12:44 by tsanchez — Categorized as: AFI

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General Information

The Adjutant Field Inspection App (aka AFI) is an offline, tablet-based application used to perform inspections on various types of assets.

AFI runs at a native resolution of 1280X768 on Windows 7 embedded or Windows 8. Windows RT is not supported because it does not support SQL Server.


Step by step instructions for installing AFI on a tablet can be found HERE.


Q: How do I install AFI on a tablet?

A: Installation Instructions

Q: How do I load inspections onto the tablet?

A: Download Instructions

Q: How do I change the theme/colors in AFI?

A: Log in, click Settings, change the Application Theme, click Save.

Q: How do I take a picture and attach it to the inspection?

A: Click the Details button while in the Inspection screen.